The consolidation of the Dominican Republic as a stable system in the Caribbean region. A country with a steady growth.

From my incursion as a professional with the enthusiasm to invest in Quisqueya, some indicators shown the Dominican Republic as a society with a solid development and sustained growth economy. This statement is based on the following indicators and is strictly my personal opinion and has to do with the political landscape and indicators that…



FITUR es la primera cita anual para los profesionales del turismo mundial y la feria líder para los mercados receptivos y emisores de Iberoamérica. En la edición 2019 FITUR ha batido record de participación con 10.487 empresas de 165 países /regiones, 142.642 profesionales y 110.848 visitantes de público general. En FITUR hay que estar: un foro único…



FITUR is the first appointment of the year for the world’s tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America. At its 2019 staging, FITUR has surpassed it’s participation record with 10,487 companies from 165 countries and regions, 142,642 trade visitors and 110,848 visitors from the general public. You…


Santo Domingo Times

Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic is a gastronomic destination that is consolidated with its own proposals, houses restaurants from all over the world and site par excellence for the realization of great events that receive the most recognized chefs of the planet in our city Capital and elsewhere in this beautiful Caribbean…


Santo Domingo Times

Santo Domingo es un destino gastronómico que se consolida con propuestas propias, restaurantes de todas partes del mundo y grandes eventos que reciben a los chefs más reconocidos del planeta en nuestra ciudad y en otros puntos de esta hermosa isla caribeña. Por eso, a través de nuestras revistas @manjar_rd, @stodgotimes, y nuestra plataforma @gastronomicpopup…


Un Perfil Laboral Que Rompe Esquemas

Trabajadores de élite En el mercado laboral de los EE.UU. podemos estudiar diferentes perfiles que marcan las tendencias presentes y futuras del sector. Aunque a priori estos estudios son de excepcional interés para los departamentos de recursos humanos y las personas relacionadas con el desarrollo de las carreras profesionales de los trabajadores, no hay que…


How About “The Elite Worker”?

Do Marketers & Real Estate Agents forget Them? In the US labor market, I studied different profiles that mark current and future trends in the sector. Although these studies are of exceptional interest for human resources departments and people related to the development of the professional careers of workers, we must not forget that they…


La Quinta by Wyndham Hotels & Resorts is committed to introducing the brand in the Dominican Republic with 8 new hotels.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, July 18, 2019, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, the largest hotel franchise company in the world, shows great progress as it continues to expand its hotel portfolio, reaching the Caribbean for the first time, through the Dominican developer company “PROFUSION GROUP”. Profusion Group, is a private equity firm dedicated to development, investment,…


La Quinta by Wyndham Hotels & Resorts se comprometen a introducir la marca en República Dominicana con ocho nuevos hoteles.

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 18 de Julio 2019, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, la compañía de franquicias hoteleras más grande del mundo, muestra un gran progreso a medida que continúa expandiendo su cartera de hoteles, llegando al Caribe por primera vez, a través de la empresa desarrolladora dominicana “PROFUSION GROUP”. Profusion Group,  es una firma de…
